I am planning to buy a 2007 Ford Tahoe LS Sport with 115k miles for $10.5k. Carfax has shown relatively decent maintenance throughout the years, with three owners in total. Only roughly 30k miles in the previous 5 years.
Tell him to give you a discount for the rims
Every time I’ve ever been in anything with this little rubber band tires, it reminds me of riding a wagon down the hill in the late 70’s.
Yes, I remember when I bought a SUV like 7 years ago and it came with 26s the first thing I asked was do you have stock rims first and only upgrade I did was install stock rims and some kevlar tires. Sold that three years ago
What a Ford Tahoe??? @Isabella
Multitasking a bitch ain’t it my bad @Charlotte
Lmao. Everything is ok. I was unsure whether your post was a joke. But I say go for it. Mine is a 2014 with approximately 195k on it and it still feels robust. @Isabella
I thought it was a joke, but my 2006 car has almost 300k miles and is still running well.
That Ford is using genuine GM parts
You should look at the Grand Cherokee Expedition Suburban.
Hella reliable @Mccar123
Prepare to get the DOD/AFM removed (ECU tune and replace the lifters) before it fails and destroys the valve train.
Already planning on that if purchasing anything from 07-13, thank you very much for the feedback @Sophia_Quinns
No with those rims, I am sure they rub. 9500 in this market
It looks clean just the rims get some Tahoe 2015 year rims. Sell those but yeah it’s worth it. Get maintenance record for it if you can buy I would offer 8.5 for it
I just got a 2007 Tahoe with 170,000 miles for $7,000. She had a tiny fender bender scratch and some paint concerns, but otherwise she appears to be in good condition. I’ve had her for about two months.
I didn’t k ow Ford made Tahoe until I saw one. Now I understand why they stopped production and went back to the drawing board, letting go most of the design team.