Hey guys, I’m hoping someone can help me out. I have a 2009 Chevy Impala that’s in decent shape. It used to beep several times when I locked or unlocked it with the remote, which was super helpful for finding it in parking lots. But after I took it in for an oil change, it stopped beeping when I used the remote. The only time it beeps is when I press the lock button a second time. I’ve tried checking the DIC, but nothing seems to work. Does anyone know how to turn this feature back on?
Whoever did your oil change might have changed the settings for your beeping. On my 2007 Malibu, I can go into the Menu and find a bunch of settings, including horn sounds for locking and unlocking. You might want to check that!
Also, have you checked the owner’s manual? Sometimes there are specific steps to reset features like that.
Sometimes a quick battery disconnect can reset certain features as well. Just make sure you have your radio presets saved!