2017 Chevy Cruze 1.4L Turbo P0172 & P0299 check engine light codes... any advice?

Hey everyone, my girlfriend drives a 2017 Chevy Cruze 1.4L with about 149,000 miles on it. Last week, we took it to the mechanic because of the P0299 and P1101 codes causing the check engine light. The mechanic found a cracked hose going into the turbocharger and the PCV valve, which they replaced. But today, the check engine light came back on with the same P0299 code and a new P0172 code. Could both of these codes be caused by a dead turbocharger? How much life is left in the car, considering she has 4 years left on the financing? I’ve seen a lot of talk online about these cars not being very reliable. Is reaching 200-250k miles plausible given the current state? What else should I ask the mechanic to check?

Those codes could definitely be related to the turbo, but they might also point to another issue. I wouldn’t rush to replace the turbo without confirming it’s actually failed. As for the lifespan, it’s really hard to predict. A car could run well for another ten years, or it could have a serious issue tomorrow. Generally, if the car is in good shape otherwise, fixing it will be much cheaper than replacing it.

What kind of signs should I look for to see if the turbo is actually failing?

Yan said:
What kind of signs should I look for to see if the turbo is actually failing?

Look for loss of power, strange noises from the engine, or excessive smoke from the exhaust. Those can indicate turbo issues.

I’ve heard these cars can be hit or miss. If it’s maintained well, it might make it to 200k. But be prepared for potential repairs along the way, especially with that mileage.

Quincy said:
I’ve heard these cars can be hit or miss. If it’s maintained well, it might make it to 200k. But be prepared for potential repairs along the way, especially with that mileage.

What kind of repairs should I expect at this mileage?

Common things include brake replacements, suspension work, and sometimes engine-related fixes. Just keep an eye on everything.

You might want to ask the mechanic to check the fuel system as well, especially if you’re getting the P0172 code, which indicates a rich fuel mixture. There could be a vacuum leak or an issue with the fuel injectors.

What does a rich fuel mixture mean for the car?

Lin said:
What does a rich fuel mixture mean for the car?

It means there’s more fuel than air in the mixture going into the engine, which can cause performance issues and increase emissions.