I had one fail a few weeks ago and replaced it, but the replacement just failed again last night. I am thinking something else might be causing the sensor to short out, but I wanted to check in here to see if anyone has encountered this before.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Chevy Silverado 2014 ~85k miles V6 automatic.
You may have a wiring or connector issue that is intermittent. Before blindly replacing sensors, you should always perform a check of voltages and signals at the connector. Always use OEM electrical parts.
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If the circuit and wiring check out, I recommend going with an AC Delco part. I’ve had a lot of issues with cheap aftermarket electrical components. You don’t have to buy it from the dealer since many parts stores carry AC Delco, but it might actually be cheaper at the dealer. You’d be surprised how often factory parts end up costing less than aftermarket ones.