What’s the differential fluid for a 2017 GMC Sierra 5.3 SLE?

I’m trying to figure out what differential fluid I should use for my 2017 GMC Sierra 5.3 SLE. The manual says 75W-85, but it seems hard to find. I’ve heard some people use 75W-90 instead. Any other opinions? Also, how much fluid does it require?

I’ve read that 75W-90 is a good substitute if you can’t find 75W-85. Just make sure it meets the right specifications for your diff.

Tyler said:
I’ve read that 75W-90 is a good substitute if you can’t find 75W-85. Just make sure it meets the right specifications for your diff.

Thanks for the info! Do you know if there’s a specific brand you recommend?

For capacity, it usually requires about 2 to 3 quarts, but it’s best to check your owner’s manual for the exact amount.

Oli said:
For capacity, it usually requires about 2 to 3 quarts, but it’s best to check your owner’s manual for the exact amount.

Got it! I’ll check the manual to be sure. Appreciate the help!

Just make sure the fluid you choose is compatible with your truck. It’s better to be safe!

River said:
Just make sure the fluid you choose is compatible with your truck. It’s better to be safe!

Definitely! I’ll make sure to double-check that.

If you want to be extra cautious, you could call a GMC dealer and ask for their recommendation. They might have insight into what works best.

Shane said:
If you want to be extra cautious, you could call a GMC dealer and ask for their recommendation. They might have insight into what works best.

That’s a good idea! I’ll do that if I can’t find what I need.

I switched to 75W-90 in my truck, and it’s been running fine. Just keep an eye on it for any changes.

Noah said:
I switched to 75W-90 in my truck, and it’s been running fine. Just keep an eye on it for any changes.

Thanks for sharing your experience! That makes me feel better about going with 75W-90.