09 Impala shocks... need some clarification?

I’m looking to get new shocks for my Impala. When I checked on Rock Auto, it shows that they have left and right options for the rear shocks, but for the front ones, it just says front without specifying left or right. Are the front shocks the same on both sides? I just want to double check before I buy anything.

Both front shocks are the same, and both rear shocks are the same, but between the front and rear, they are not the same. The rear shocks are longer.

Pax said:
Both front shocks are the same, and both rear shocks are the same, but between the front and rear, they are not the same. The rear shocks are longer.

I figured so but wanted to double check. Thanks for the info. Just to clarify, does that mean I can order two of the same front shocks?

Exactly, you can order two of the same front shocks. It makes things easier for installations and replacements.

Make sure you’re looking at the right year and model when choosing the shocks. Sometimes there are subtle differences even within the same model year.

Reagan said:
Make sure you’re looking at the right year and model when choosing the shocks. Sometimes there are subtle differences even within the same model year.

Good point. I’ll double-check the details before I finalize my order.

I recently did my shocks and found that getting the right specs is key. If you have a manual, it can help confirm the sizes and types you need.

Gale said:
I recently did my shocks and found that getting the right specs is key. If you have a manual, it can help confirm the sizes and types you need.

I do have the manual. I’ll refer to it to be sure I’m getting the right parts.

If you’re ever in doubt, you can always reach out to customer service from the site you’re buying from. They can usually clarify any confusion about the parts.

Block said:
If you’re ever in doubt, you can always reach out to customer service from the site you’re buying from. They can usually clarify any confusion about the parts.

That sounds like a good idea. I’ll keep that in mind if I have more questions.