2020 Traverse Starting Issues... Need Repair Help

Hey guys, I’m new here and I apologize for any grammatical errors but I have a question. I just got a used 2020 Traverse at a Volkswagen dealership outside of my city with 54k miles on it. A literal week later, after I had to drive about an hour, the battery seemed to die on me, which is weird because the speedometer and entertainment center were all working just fine. Sometimes the brake would vibrate almost like it wants to turn on, but the car would not turn over. I actually had to get a tow truck to take it back home. Looking at it, I thought it might be a starter or alternator issue. The next morning, I took it to my local Chevy dealer and all they told me was it was a battery issue and charged me to get it replaced. Cut to right now, after having driven for 3 hours, I’m having similar issues. So my question is, is this normal? Did I get scammed into getting a new battery? What can I do to get my car running right? Please help

I have a 2010 Equinox that has been through 4 batteries. They always just seem to die with no warning. Do you have any warning lights on? Check engine, ABS, service stabilitrac

Finley said:
I have a 2010 Equinox that has been through 4 batteries. They always just seem to die with no warning. Do you have any warning lights on? Check engine, ABS, service stabilitrac

The check engine light seems to pop up when it doesn’t want to turn over, but will they honor the warranty on the battery if I got it from Chevy

They should, batteries usually have at least a 12 month warranty

IDK, but if you just got it a week ago, that doesn’t sound right. Maybe they didn’t check something properly

Ezra said:
IDK, but if you just got it a week ago, that doesn’t sound right. Maybe they didn’t check something properly

Yeah, I’m starting to think that too. It feels like something more is going on

I would take it back and make them check it again. You shouldn’t have these issues so soon after getting it

Definitely look into your wiring too. Sometimes it’s not just the battery but connections that can cause these issues