‘96 Chevy Impala SS battery issue... anyone else had this?

I’m having some battery issues with my ‘96 Chevy Impala SS. I’m not sure what’s going on, but it seems like it’s related to the battery. Has anyone else dealt with this problem? I would really appreciate any advice or insights on what I should check or if there’s something specific I need to look out for.

Shouldn’t be a problem on the '96, but I know the aux battery post was a huge problem in the '94s and '95s, so it’s worth a peek at that. If it’s bad, you’ll see melted plastic, and it could burn your car to the ground. My '94 acted like yours does when mine went out.

I had a similar issue with my Impala. Turned out it was just a loose connection. Make sure to check all your battery connections first before diving deeper.