I was attempting to change my low beam headlight, now my car won't start... what did I do?

I was trying to change my low beam headlight on the driver side and after I got the cover off, I couldn’t get a hold of the bulb to remove it. So I thought I should turn my wheel the opposite way to see it better. FYI, I didn’t remove the fender. Anyway, my car started just fine, but now it won’t turn on. The key won’t turn, the steering wheel won’t unlock, and I can’t push the brake pedal in at all. A few times, while sitting in the car with the key in the ignition, it actually tried starting by itself. What did I mess up? Did I loosen a wire or something? Someone please help.

Sounds like your steering wheel has turned back against the steering lock and jammed. Grab the wheel and turn it HARD one way while trying to turn the key. If it doesn’t work that way, turn the wheel the other way. It will take a bit of effort.

Yup that’s exactly what it was thank you so much I really appreciate it!

Most likely cause is the battery drained somehow. You might want to try getting a jump start.

Press the brake and turn the steering wheel really hard in the direction your wheels are turned. Like the previous poster stated, it’s the steering wheel lock and it’s jammed. I’ve had this happen on older models all the time.

Thank you so much, it worked!