Looking for cam advice... stage 4 vs stage 2?

Anyone that understands cams can give me some insight. I am looking at going with a different cam and I’m debating between a stage 4 BTR cam or an Eglin E-1840-P Sloppy Mechanic stage 2 cam. The Sloppy 2 has a duration of 228/230 at .050” with .585”/.585” valve lift and a 112-degree lobe separation angle. The BTR stage 4 has a duration of 224/230 with .553/.553 lift and a 109+0 lobe separation. What’s the difference and which one could I get the most out of?

From what I know, the main difference is in the valve lift and the lobe separation. The Sloppy 2 has higher lift which could give you more power at high RPMs.

If you’re looking for a street-friendly cam, the BTR stage 4 might be a better fit. It has a good blend of power and drivability.

I went with the Sloppy stage 2 and I love it. It’s great for performance but can be a bit rough around the edges.

Also, consider your exhaust setup. Some cams work better with certain exhaust systems.

In the end, it really depends on what you want from your car. Are you looking for a daily driver or a track beast?