I hae spent countless hours searching, but does anyone know if there’s a way to program cruise control into a 2007 Chevrolet Equinox without using the GM Tech 2 tool? I took the steering wheel and cruise control modules from a same-generation car, and everything is hooked up correctly, but the cruise still doesn’t work. All I’ve found is that I need the GM Tech 2 tool. If there’s a workaround, I’d appreciate any help!
Unfortunately, the GM Tech 2 tool is typically required for programming features like cruise control on many GM vehicles. You might want to check with a local dealer or a specialized shop.
Have you looked into aftermarket scan tools? Some of them can program features on GM vehicles, but make sure to check compatibility.
You could also try searching for a local automotive enthusiast group. Sometimes they have access to tools like the Tech 2 or similar.
I’ve heard that some people have had success with a handheld programmer, but it can be hit or miss. Might be worth exploring!
Make sure to double-check all your connections and fuses as well. Sometimes it’s a simple wiring issue that can cause the cruise control not to work.